Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My first kiss

Kiss... a quivering of two souls for an unification!

It took eight years on this earth for me to experience my first kiss. For me, the kiss is the one which happens between two silently conversing lips, all other conversations between two body parts are just misses!

Until my eight years of my age I have never seen a kiss. Even on screens , the Indian heroes would do all nasty things to heroines ,but kissing on the lips was forbidden, even now I couldn't comprehend that irony.

I was in the movie hall  named Lena in the Chidambaram town when it happened. It happened out of the blue before i could comprehend what was going on. Still the taste lingers in my eyes pleasantly.

" eyes?... lingers in your eyes? you are mistaken, I think it should be lips" I could hear you saying so... but I am not mistaken... Do you want to see my first kiss, that had happened strangely inside a pot, just click the video below!

How was that? That was my first kiss that I have seen or experienced or whatever, while watching the movie King Solomon mines, before that I didn't know such an act existed in human behavior.

Hey folks, share your experience of your first kiss!

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